Friday, June 24, 2016

Rule Britannia!

"Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves."

The UK has voted to leave the EU. Thank God. Thank also: Nigel Farage of the UKIP. In a perverted way, thank Angela Merkel. I could think of little that's better at ensuring Brexit than the images of millions of unwashed invaders flooding the continent, with pictures of ISIS flags and beheadings on their phones. If things stay the course, and if history books are still written in a thousand years from now, I imagine that Merkel will get little better plaudits than the little Austrian Corporal.

Nigel Farage
I was thoroughly delighted when I heard the news, especially in light of my earlier pessimism that I expressed here. But my joy is tempered by the unpleasant reality. Brexit is not some magic button that will automatically save Britain's sovereignty. The UK is still facing existential defeat. 

I speak of one issue: immigration.

Firstly, let us look at two sets of numbers in the UK.
1. How much of the current population growth is from immigration or the children of immigrants? The answer(LINK) is staggeringly high. The UK population growth from immigrants or the spawn of immigrants, in the years 2001-2012 is approximately 83-85 percent. Shocking! 
2. Here is the headline (Link) of this article: "Immigrants Will Comprise 68% of UK's Population Growth Over Next 25 Years". According to the projection, the UK will add some 9.7 million souls over the coming 25 years, and some 68 percent of that will be migrants and their children. Keep in mind this 68% figure does not include the children born to immigrants who are already in the UK.

Basically the UK will add precious few English souls to the general population growth. I think one out of ten is aiming high. Even if Farage becomes the Prime Minister and puts a stop to all immigration, there is little cause for optimism. Like I wrote yesterday, it seems increasingly inevitable that we are on the road to a reality where Englishmen becoming a minority in England. Bu much before that happens, Londoners will become a minority in London. Before that, there will be more fighting-aged foreigners in london that natives. 

But shutting down the immigration system is better than not shutting it down. It astonishes me that the Far Left is holding firm on not shutting down immigration. Even if they disagree with the people who claim that is the end of the world--or of the UK specifically, don't they at least recognize that those people are claiming that it is the end of the UK! If those people are right, then stopping immigration will go some distance to avoiding the destruction of the UK. If immigration is shut down and the alarmists are wrong, what great harm has the UK suffered? It seems that if one is unsure if immigration will destroy the UK, prudence, caution, and some healthy xenophobia would dictate we pull the brakes until we can be sure.   

In the past the English were marked by prudence and caution--and xenophobia. A story that demonstrates this is the story of Garnet Wolseley, Field Marshall and 1st Viscount Wolseley, and the Channel Tunnel. (He is, incidentally, the inspiration for the excellent patter song, "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" (LINK).) Wolseley was strongly opposed to the proposed Channel Tunnel, warning "No matter what fortifications and defences were built, there would always be the peril of some continental army seizing the tunnel exit by surprise." The construction of the tunnel was delayed. Regardless if he was ultimately correct or incorrect, or whether his fears were well founded or not (although no conventional army has used the Channel Tunnel to invade England, many an illegal migrant has slipped into England by use of the tunnel), we ought to learn a lesson from one of England's hero's. That is that evincing prudence, caution and Xenophobia is warranted, especially when it is question of National Security. For a nation which has in the past perfected the art of "Splendid Isolation", these virtues can be well said to be part of their DNA. 

Rule Britannia! Hopefully Britons will act like Britons. 

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