Sunday, July 24, 2016

Terror Attack in Nice, France and What it Means

Terror attack in Nice, France and what it means
There was a Muslim terror attack in Nice, France. Eighty four people are dead, and close to twice that number wounded. The attacker used a truck to mow people down, something that was seized upon by all the headlines: the emphasis was on the deadly truck, as opposed to the Muslim killer driving the truck. The media, as always, is silly and worthless, but it is a very dangerous silliness and worthlessness that they are exhibiting. Would today’s media write World War Two began when some planes attacked Pearl Harbour? Would the liberals claim in the headlines that the American Civil War began when some cannons fired at Fort Sumter? This is just frustrating junk.
Of the various important comments made about the terror attack and the reaction to it, perhaps the most important is to be made regarding a statement made by the Prime Minister of France. Robert Spencer, over at the JihadWatch website, brought my attention to it.
Says Prime Minister Valls: “France is going to have to live with terrorism.” Remarkable. Astonishing, even. What he is saying is that this is the new normal. Every society has to “live” with bad things. Death, disease, poverty, unemployment, etc. It is commonly accepted that a certain amount of people a year will die from: shark attacks, snake bites, spider venom, heart disease, cancer, burglaries gone bad, gang violence, suffocating on small toys, furniture accidents, natural disasters, etc etc. While there are various ways to decrease the pain and death caused by these various problems, people in society accept that they are just “going to have to live” with it. Generally, they go on with their lives.
The Prime Minister of France had just admitted, quite bluntly, and with very little fuss in the international scene, that terrorism is something that “France is going to have to live with.” That Muslims killing people in terror attacks is the new snake bite, or tornado, or disease. End of sentence.
Or so I thought. I thought that this obvious, yet mind-boggling truism that the leader of one of the great nations in the world (5th strongest power in the world by some estimates) uttered, was the extent of it. But in reality, what Valls says right before that is even more important. Here is the quote with the added few words: “Times have changed, and France is going to have to live with terrorism.” What! What? Times have changed. Is there is something in the water? Did someone genetically alter the French people to become terror-inclined? Did some French philosopher rediscover some ideology from the French Revolution? Is chronic unemployment or homelessness or insanity or some other social ill compelling Frenchmen to go about butchering people at concerts, cafes, magazines publishing centers, grocery stores, city streets, ect?
No! No. Precisely one thing has “changed”.  France had foolishly...lamentably...tragically imported millions of foreigners, specifically Muslims, from the Third World. The result has been decidedly unpleasant. An unpleasantness that Valls says that France will have to live with.

I want to sign off with a word of discouragement. It seems that, should things continue on their seemingly predestined course, France will to learn “to live” with a host of unpleasant things. Things worse than the attacks so far may come to pass. Long ago Powell quoted Virgil. Virgil wrote: “I see wars, horrible wars, and the Tiber foaming with much blood.”

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